By Katniss, Cat Reporter
When Trident the Cat was found abandoned at the entrance to Calico Tanks Trail Head in Red Rock Canyon, NV, he was near death. Malnourished and severely dehydrated, this 3-legged, special needs cat would not have made it had it not been for the kindly Humans who rescued him. Believed to have a very rare genetic disease known as Mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS), this little guy’s a fighter… and a lover!
KATNISS: Trident, you are purrhaps the most resilient cat I’ve ever met. What keeps you going?
TRIDENT: My Humans, definitely. When I met them, I was scared and sickly. I was afraid to trust anyone, but I didn’t have much choice. When I wasn’t sure I’d make it through the night, I’d think of them and the fact that they cared about me and that gave me the will to live.
KATNISS: They gave you Pedialyte through an eyedropper and fed you with a tiny spoon. Is that when you started feline better?
TRIDENT: Yes, because I knew I had been saved. It was hard to trust people after all I’d been through, but when I stared into their eyes, I knew they were there for me. Finally, someone was there for me.
KATNISS: You were dumped by callous Humans who bred you to be purrfect but when you came out “defective,” they left you to die.
TRIDENT: Yes. While I was lying there, sick and scared, a family came along and found me. I was sure they would help me. If not take me into their home, then at least take me to a no-kill shelter. But they didn’t. I couldn’t believe it – they just started to walk away.
KATNISS: But then a couple came along and saw you in your unfurtunate situation.
TRIDENT: Yes, they asked those people if they were going help me and when they said “no” and left, these new Humans didn’t think twice – they picked me up and took me home with them. They looked past my “defects” and saw my spirit. Fur that I am so grateful.
KATNISS: If you ever saw the people who dumped you or the people who passed you over, what would you do? Hiss at them? Swat with claws out?
TRIDENT: I think I would just want them to know that even if someone isn’t a purrfect specimen, they are still worthy of love.
KATNISS: These new Humans – your furever parents – love you. I bet they think you are purrfect just the way you are.
TRIDENT: They do love me so so much, but I’m not purrfect. I like that my face is a little different because “normal” is so overrated, but I would love it if my bones were stronger and I didn’t have to work so hard to scoot around. But they tell me all the time that I am one of a kind and that they love that about me. It’s really pawsome that they don’t view my needs as an inconvenience or a set back. And they don’t see me as defective, just different.
KATNISS: I love your pawsitive attitude. Different is good! So, are you a candidate for a kitty wheelchair?
TRIDENT: Sadly, no. I don’t have the upper body strength for that and my hind legs are turned at a bad angle. It’s difficult for me to walk. One of my hind legs is pretty much just skin and bones – there is no muscle. One thing at a time. I know my Humans are trying their best to help me. Even if it means going to the dreaded (shudder) vet.
KATNISS: I hear you on that. You are very brave, my furriend.
TRIDENT: Well, when I’m getting poked and prodded by the vet, I try to think about the good things, like resting my head on my Humans’ arms. When I do that, my whole body relaxes and I just feel… safe. I purr as loud as I can to show them how grateful I am.
KATNISS: If only the people who dumped you could see you meow – they really missed out on so much love and affection.
TRIDENT: That’s what my furever Humans tell me. When I kiss them with my tongue, they litter-ally tear up, they are so moved. Either that or my tongue is too scratchy. MOL.
KATNISS: You’ve talked about your hisstory… what do you think your future holds?
TRIDENT: At this point, I’m just taking things one day at a time. I know I am loved and respected and there are people who care and that’s what makes me happy. And I am happy.
Follow Trident on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and his website.