Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights, is a time of celebration. Here are 8 cats to put you in the pawliday spirit.
Who’s ready to light the meownorah?
1. Any way you spin it, this is one festive cat.
2. She’s chatty and catty and up in everyone’s business. And by business, we mean lap.
3. This ball of love always makes you feel better when you have a cold.
4. He’s a tasty beast.
5. Mandel bread starts out as a loaf. I’m sure this cat’s got the loafing part down.
6. & 7. My Bubbie knows her Kugel. And Mazel is one lucky kitty.
8. A purrsonal favorite – just look at that yummy face!
Happy Hanukkah and a Joyous Mew Year!