Recently, Henry’s family decided it was too much of a hassle or too expensive to board him while they went on vacation. So they dumped him, their loyal family pet of many years.
This is Henry. Just look at his face.
KATNISS: Henry, thank you for sharing your story with us. What did you feel when you found yourself abandoned like that?
HENRY: Disbelief. Heartbreak. I just couldn’t understand why my family would do this to me…
KATNISS: It’s every pet’s worst nightmare. But luckily, things were about to get better.
HENRY: Yes, the McDowell County Animal Shelter put my photo up on Facebook and a kindly Human saw it and just knew she had to save me.
KATNISS: You found a true furever home.
HENRY: Not just that, but I found people who cared. They could tell I was hurting and wanted to help meowt.
KATNISS: What was wrong?
HENRY: I was skinny and malnourished because I had trouble eating and couldn’t groom myself because my teeth were in horrible shape. But my new Meowmy got me to a vet who pulled the rotten teeth and got me antibiotics and now I’m feline SO much better!
KATNISS: You look purrfectly blissful now.
HENRY: I am! But it’s been an adjustment. At furst, I was afraid to trust. I hid a lot. From the Humans, from the other cats, from any noises or movement that startled me. But now, I can tell I’m safe and loved.
KATNISS: That’s great mews.
HENRY: Now I’ll even snuggle in the bed with them and purr.
KATNISS: You look happy. You look good.
HENRY: I’ve put on some weight and I’m feeling more and more confident every day.
KATNISS: What are some of your favorite things to do in your new home?
HENRY: Meowmy brushes me with a soft baby brush and I just love it! I also enjoy sitting on the back of the couch, soaking up the sunbeams and looking out the window. I think my golden years are going to be good ones after all.