While she may bear a striking resemblance to the dearly departed Grumpy Cat, Meow Meow has her own story. When she needed radioactive iodine therapy for Hyperthyroidism, [...]
My Interview with PERDITA, the WORLD’S WORST CAT
The staff at the Mitchell County Animal Rescue in North Carolina say of Perdita, “We thought she was sick, turns out she’s just a jerk.” They also describe [...]
My Interview with EDDY SPAGHETTI CAT
Eddy went from a feral to a furever cat, and now this handsome pink-nosed boy is a spokeskitty fur FIV awareness. KATNISS: Eddy, I see you have [...]
Introducing CLOUD, TOAST and MYSTERY: Rescue Cats From EGYPT
In Egypt, purebred Persian cats are purrchased as status symbols. A year later, they are tossed out on the street to face starvation, illness and apawling abuse… [...]
My Interview with SHELDON THUNDERPAWS the Cat
Sheldon is a small cat with a purrmanent look of surpurrise. He has hydrocephalus, mild cerebellar hypoplasia, a cleft lip and nose, and a heart murmur. But [...]
My Interview with BODDHI and NIEN, Itty Bitty Dwarf Kitties
These two rescues have congenital dwarfism. And although they may be tiny, they're big on lovin’. KATNISS: Boddhi, you weigh only 3.5 lbs and Nien, you’re about [...]