Famous Internet Cat SHIRONEKO Passes Away at Age 18
Shironeko, the world's most Zen Cat, was one of the original Internet cats to light up the Interwebs. We are furever grrrateful fur his sweet, sleepy face [...]
My Interview with PIP THE BEACH CAT
He’s an author, a stuffed animal designer and a commewnity service volunteer. He’s also been known to cat-ch a wave on a boogie board. Meet Pip the [...]
Film Review: CATVIDEOFEST 2020
CatVideoFest is a compilation of cat videos from amateur to animated. But the best purrt? The purroceeds go to cats in need. Going to the mewvies with [...]
Cat Artist Spotlight: LUXURYCHOCCIE
Marmalade Your favfurite Internet kitties are lovingly illustrated by the talented artist Luxurychoccie. I got to chat with her feline inspurrations, Jiggles and Keshi, about [...]
CAT PEOPLE: A Film By Asako Ushio
Filmmaker Asako Ushio’s documeowntary Cat People is about cats and the Humans who care fur them. I sat down with the filmmaker’s cat, Jesse, to discuss the [...]
If you found this article on your cat’s Instagram or some secret Facebook cat group you belong to, then this is your mewvie, my furiend. #CATS_THE_MEWVIE [...]