My Interview with ARTEMIS, the Feral Kitten-Taming Cat
photo: @scotthall29 Artemis is a rescue Persian who spends her days sleeping, eating… and taming feral kittens. KATNISS: Artemis, you’re a recent rescue. Tell me [...]
My Interview with SMUSH the Squish-Faced Super Kitty
She started life as a sickly orphaned kitten but has transfurmed into an Internet Celebricat with almost 100k followers. Smush has a cleft lip and congenital conditions, [...]
12 CATS IN ASIAN PEAR HATS. You’re Welcome.
@juntowa Asian pear hats are the latest trend among supurr meowdels. And we're totally feline it. @jyjy_choi They are versatile and face-flattering. [...]
My Interview with JACOB, Cat to Fitness Model TRAVIS DESLAURIER
Eyes down here, ladies. (photo: @scotthall29) Jacob is best known as the orange tabby seen in the workout videos with his Hunky Human, Travis DesLaurier, [...]
My Interview with JADE, Star of Hasbro’s New LITTLEST PET SHOP Series
As one of the breakout stars of Hasbro's new series, Littlest Pet Shop: A World of Our Own, Jade has cattitude to spare. MEET JADE KATKIN. KATNISS: Jade, [...]
My Interview with OLIVE & RYE
Olive & Rye are a calico and torti who inspire and oversee the artwork of illustrator Laura Kicey. KATNISS: I am a big fan of your Humom’s [...]