A Study in De Feet: POLYDACTYL CAT PAWS You Need to See
@quinn_the_polydactyl_cat These paws give cause for pause. Polydactyl cats are known for their extra toes, which are just so pawsome! Here some of the most [...]
Meet the Cat Who Was Poisoned but Lived to Tell the Tail
Garfield suffers from permethrin poisoning from canine flea medication. KATNISS: Wow, I didn’t realize that canine flea medication could be so dangerous to cats! GARFIELD: My former [...]
My Interview with PEANY TODD
Peany, or P, is a permakitten with a snaggletooth, one eye and a partial nose. And she couldn't be cuter. KATNISS: I understand you have a Cat [...]
Cats are sweet, adorable and cuddly. But not these ones. 1. Loki the Sphynx. @loki_the_sphynx Seriously? I’d kill you, too. 2. Wolfie @wolfie_smiles [...]
The 5 SADDEST CATS on the Internet
These are the saddest cats in the hisstory of the Interwebs. Take pity, my furiends. 1. Sad Cat @sad1cat This amber-eyed cat (whose real name [...]
My Interview with WILLOW the Fuzzy-Nosed Cat
She was just a tiny, homeless kitten with a chromosomal abnormality when she was found by a special ed teacher. Now Willow is a fuzzy-nosed beauty and [...]