VAMPIRE CATS of the Internet
@osvaldthenorse With their terrifying teefs, these frightening floofs take the Halloween spirit to the necks level. OSVALD. So excited to discover some new blood - in [...]
He’s been called high-maintence, demanding and “extra.” He’s also been called “thicc” and “potato shaped.” We call him fantastic. KATNISS: Bruno, you seem to have chosen the [...]
My Interview with MEMPHIS THE 2-NOSED CAT
Memphis has a deformed soft palate, smushed face, cleft lilp and two noses. He is the mascot of The Odd Cat Sanctuary whose motto is: “All cats [...]
My Interview with IMOGEN THE KITTEN
Imogen is a cat of many faces… all of them silly. KATNISS: Your now Humom came into the shelter, saw your hissterical face and just had to [...]
My Interview with MEATLOAF: 30 lb. Loaf of Love
He's big. He's beefy. He's been adopted. Meet Meatloaf, Media Sensation. When King's Harvest Pet Rescue posted a photo of the cranky 30 lb. cat, his photo [...]
Couple Gets MARRIED AT CATCON and We’re Feline the Love
photo: @jasonedwarddavis Meet the Mewlyweds Paul and Colleen were introduced by her cousin in 2014 and spent a year getting to know each other before… [...]