My Interview with BUSCEMI the Cat
Buscemi is a snaggle-toothed, smoosh-faced rescue cat who bears a striking resemblance to actor/director Steve Buscemi. KATNISS: Are you furmiliar with my furiend Marla, aka, Steve Buscemi [...]
IN MEOWMORIUM: Famous Internet Cats We Lost in 2018
This year we lost many beloved Internet feline stars. If only cats really did have 9 lives... Gone But Not Furgotten. Oskar the Blind Cat. A special needs [...]
@shirukotan 'Tis the season for Holiday Cheer... and Cat Humiliation. Three words describe this costume: stink, stank, stunk! @littlekatmom Just wait til I leave a puddle in your [...]
VINCENT THE LYKOI: My Inspurrational Rescue Story
Think werewolf cats are all the result of purrfessional breeders? Think again. KATNISS: Vincent, I was surpurrised to learn that you and your siblings were once feral [...]
Introducing BIG BELLA the Cat
With the help of a famous Internet Cat, this sassy queen found her furever home. KATNISS: So tell me how your Humans found their way to you. [...]
Introducing JUNO the Blind Cat
When Oskar the Blind Cat died unexpectedly this year, his family, including cat-brother Klaus, felt a deep, purrsonal loss. Then a shelter reached out to them about [...]