My Interview with OLIVE the ODD-EYED Cat
No, those eyes aren’t photoshopped - Olive has sectoral heterchromia, meaning the iris of a single eye contains two colors. We think that makes her pawsitively mewnique. [...]
My Interview with MARMALADE, Cancer Survivor
Four years ago, pawpular Internet cat Marmalade announced he was cancer-free. Because May is National Pet Cancer Awareness Month, I have decided to re-run my interview with [...]
Meet MAPLE and KONA, Two Torties with Cerebellar Hypoplasia
Tortoiseshell cats have been described as tempurramental, feisty and unpurredicatable. Yet, these two special needs tortie sisters have distinctly diffurent purrsonalities, purroving there’s no one kind of [...]
Meet BANANA, the CAT RESCUED from the California CAMP FIRE
Then and Meow Last year’s California wildfires were devastating. Of the pets who were rescued, there was one purrticular cat I coudn’t stop thinking about. [...]
The CAT CIRCUS is Coming to Town!
The last time I saw the Amazing Acro-Cats perform, I heard a woman whisper to her friend, “I’m so happy right now, I could die.” And that [...]
Meet JOSEPHINE, the Cat with a JEKYLL AND HYDE Personality
Josephine is a su-purr cute polydactyl with a host of behavioral problems resulting from Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome. KATNISS: Josephine, you are so sweet looking - it's hard [...]