Mira is a Special Needs Cat with Cerebellar Hypoplasia and Radial Hypoplasia, but the most special thing about her is the connection she shares with her Humom. [...]
My Interview with GOAL KITTY
Keys is an Internet sensation known fur her famous “hands in the air” pose. I got the chance to sit down with her in purrson and talk [...]
8 Up-and-Coming Internet CATS TO WATCH
Which cats have the pawtential to become social media supurrstars? Here are some of my favfurite felines on the rise. 1. George the Smiler Just look at [...]
My Interview with OZZY the PEACH-LOVING Cat
Ozzy is obsessed with peaches. He doesn’t eat them. He just loves to cuddle up with them, rub his cheeks against them and use them as pillows. [...]
INTERNET CAT SMUSH Raises Money and Awareness For Animals in Need
Smush is known for her quirky good looks and her even quirkier obsession with bread. But she’s more than a social media supurr star, she’s an outspoken [...]
My Interview with LOUIE THE BLIND CAT
Today is Louie’s 7th purrthday! To celebrate, I looked deep into his magestic blue eyes that hold the secrets of the galaxies and asked him some purrsonal [...]