As the survivor of an intentional vicious dog attack, this bleppy boy now uses his platfurm to help the less furtunate and help others accept those who are diffurent.
KATNISS: Zimes, when I look at you, I see a happy cat with a cute blep. But there’s so much meowr to you than meets the eye.
ZIMES: Yes, when I was a one month old stray kitten, a man ordered his pitbull to attack and kill me and my furiends — just for his amewsment.
KATNISS: You were furtunate to have survived such a horrific event – I know many did not.
ZIMES: I was even more furtunate that a caring purrson came along and rescued me. She even paid for my surgical purrcedures because the attack caused me to lose half of my lower jaw and all of the teeth on that half.
KATNISS: So this Good Sameowritan nursed you back to health, then helped you find a furever home.
ZIMES: Yes, she put out an ad on Facebook describing me as a “wounded cat.” My tongue hadn’t started sticking out at the point, so I didn’t even have that as a selling point – I was purrty much a big ol’ mess.
KATNISS: But someone took a look at that messy, wounded cat and felt a deep compassion fur you.
ZIMES: Yes! My Meowmy has cystic fibrosis – a serious, life-limiting lung illness. She told me, “If I were a cat that needed treatment and care, I would be left at the shelter and no one would want to adopt me.” Which makes me feel sad, because I would have rescued her fur sure!
KATNISS: You have other special need fursiblings as well.
ZIMES: Yes, two of the cats are completely blind, one is missing an eye and one is a “normal” furmer stray.
KATNISS: You’ve been described as supurr silly and goofy.
ZIMES: Well, I’m a clumsy cat who doesn’t fall on his feet — I fall on my side, on my stomach… the Humans think it’s hissterical. Also, I’ll do anything for food. Doesn’t matter what food. I’ll jump up on the table and the Humans will put me down, so I’ll jump up again… this can go on fur a cycle of 20 or meowr times, or until the Humans relent and give in.
KATNISS: Training Humans can require a lot of repetition.
ZIMES: Also, if my Meowm is close to the refrigerator and doesn’t give me a snack, I’ll meow. If she ignores me, I’ll lie on my back, grab her leg and give her a gentle “bunny kick.”
KATNISS: If it works, I appurrove.
KATNISS: Zimes, you have your own jewelry line in which the purroceeds go to help animals. Tell me meowr.
ZIMES: Yes! We have an amazing jewelry line with my face – and tongue! – that we created with a purrofessional jewelry designer. From each purrchase, we will donate money to animal shelters and save for our own foster kitties.
KATNISS: That’s pawesome!
KATNISS: So what would you say to Humans who might want to open up their hearts and homes to a wounded cat?
ZIMES: When it comes to pets, the diffurent ones are the best ones. They are the most loving, the most inspurring, the strongest of all! And to those pets, I say, never hide who you are and never be ashamed!