He has a cleft lip, one eye, broken teeth and broken hips – and he’s a total inspurration.
KATNISS: Wolfie, when you were living on the streets, you faced such horrors. You were abused and your body still shows the scars. Yet you have such a pawsitive spirit.
WOLF: Well, I’ve seen the bad in people and I’ve seen the good in people. When I was rescued by The Odd Cat Sanctuary, I knew then that life would get better. It’s all about having faith.

KATNISS: Wow. Given your hisstory – emphasis on hiss – no one would blame you if you were frightened of people furever.
WOLF: The cats I live with have all been through something and they’ve taught me a thing or two about trust.

KATNISS: You live with Memphis the 2 Nosed Cat. I pawsitively adore him!
WOLF: Yes, Memphy and I are BFFs. There are a few others as well. We all get along, maybe because we’re all so mewnique. We celebrate diffurences in our home – Memphy has two noses, Mozart has hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, there’s a cat with twisted leg syndrome, we have a radial hyperplasia kitty, and one that is brain damaged.

KATNISS: So you’re all furiends. Do you hang out and play together?
WOLF: Sure! But I’m still young and su-purr energetic, so I’m always diving off the cat tree and zooming around like a wild man.

KATNISS: What’s the best thing about having a furever home?
WOLF: The best thing? The snuggles! Or maybe it’s all the food I could ever want! Or maybe it’s the furiends! Or the toys! Help meowt here – I can’t choose just one best thing.
KATNISS: The best thing about being in a purrmanent home is that you’ve got it all.

Follow Wolfie on Instagram.