With no definitive diagnosis fur his purrgressive disease, this adorable cat is considered a medical anomaly.
KATNISS: Speck, you are very small. If it’s not too purrsonal, can I ask how much you weigh?
SPECK: I weigh a hefty 2.5 lbs. – 2.6 if I need to poo. MOL!
KATNISS: You do water therapy, which makes you very brave considering how much we cats hate water.
SPECK: Yes, I do physical therapy, water therapy, and have ultrasounds regularly at the Animal Medical Center (AMC). I don’t enjoy water purr se, but I know they’re trying to help meowt. They want to purrvent future deterioration of my limbs.
KATNISS: You also use a cart which looks like a lot of hard work.
SPECK: You’re not kitten. I don’t really like it, but it helps strengthen my front legs, so I’ll use it if I get treats.
KATNISS: Enough about your “diffurences” – tell us about you. Starting with your family.
SPECK: I have so many fursiblings! I live with lots of other cats including foster cats as well as dogs and a ferret. I adore them all. I especially love cuddling with Meatball Sue.
KATNISS: And I’m thinking lots of pets equals lots of toys.
SPECK: Fur sure! I love my pink, crunchy, foil ball – I purrk up when I hear the noise. I also have a round ball spinner I enjoy, an auto laser pointer and a rainbow teaser.
KATNISS: I hope you don’t mind me saying this, but you really are a cute little alien kitteh.
SPECK: From meowter space! I’m also a vampurr kitteh.
KATNISS: An alien vampurr wonky kitteh. Can’t get much cuter than that!
SPECK: Thank you, my furiend.
Follow Speck on Instagram.