She’s not just a famous meowdel, she’s an ambassador for black cats everywhere.
KATNISS: When my Humans try to put costumes on me, I will not put up with it. But you seem purrfectly fine with getting all dolled up. Why is that?
SOPHIE: Well, my mom has been dressing me since I was a tiny kitten and I’ve always loved it! She says that I was a model in a former life because I get very happy when she starts to put clothes on me and I love to pose for the camera. I’m usually purring through a whole photo session and when my mom takes the clothes off of me, I try to climb back into them!
KATNISS: Well, that’s great to hear. But you’re not just a purrty face, you’re a spokeskitty for the charity #Cute4Kind.
SOPHIE: Yes. Cute4Kind is an organization whose goal is to bring awareness to pet adoptions and rescues through happy and uplifting stories, photos and videos. We’ve all seen the sad and depressing commercials that make us want to turn away, so we want to show the happy side of what life can be with an adopted/rescued pet. #adoptdontshop!
KATNISS: Sounds pawsome.
SOPHIE: It really is. And through my meowdeling, I’m able to show people how fun, beautiful and lucky black cats are. Black cats are the most under-adopted and most euthanized pets in the U.S. because of stupid stereotypes that say we are bad luck or evil. My mom says that I am the luckiest thing that has ever happened to our family and I love proving those stereotypes wrong!!! Mom also says that she has yet to meet a black cat that isn’t amazing and loving. I’ll admit that we aren’t always easy to photograph because of our color, but mom knows how to find the best light for me so that my beauty shines!
KATNISS: What are your secrets for being so photogenic? Can you share any tips with other aspiring meowdels?
SOPHIE: I don’t really have any secrets – it’s mostly good lighting and just loving what you do! Try to keep your humans happy by posing for a few pics now and then and they will give you lots of love and treats in return!
You can visit Sophie the Model on IG@Sophie_The_Model and FB at Sophie the Model. And be sure to check out Cute4kind.org.