She started life as a sickly orphaned kitten but has transfurmed into an Internet Celebricat with almost 100k followers.
Smush has a cleft lip and congenital conditions, but we think she’s just purrfect!

Baby Smush
KATNISS: You’ve gone from living on the streets to being Insta-Famous – was that a tough adjustment?
SMUSH: You know, I’m really just a cat living my cat life with my family, so that’s what matters to me. I get snuggles, I get love. The fame thing is just an added purrk.
KATNISS: You’ve struck up a furiendship with another famous Internet cat, Monty, who is also known for being unique.
SMUSH: Yes, Monty and I became furiends immediately. There is a whole ‘special’ cat squad with similar features including Monty, Maya, Penny the Cat, William the Cat and I’m also buds withe Venus the Two-Faced Cat whose Humom is also into rescue.
KATNISS: Wow, that’s like a Who’s Who of famous cats!
SMUSH: I guess you could say we’re the Cat Pack.
KATNISS: You’ve been an inspurration for so many artists, like Inga Rausch.
SMUSH: Oh, I love the painting she did of me(ow)! It really captures my spirit.
KATNISS: And that little mini-version of you done by Nodsu. Is that made of fur?
SMUSH: Actually, it’s made of felt! I love it so much that we teamed with her to do a raffle where the winner gets a miniature felt version of their cat, with purroceeds going to The Odd Cat Sanctuary.
KATNISS: Oh, yes, they do very good work. Speaking of work, it seems like you’re always raising funds for something.
SMUSH: Yes. Right meow we have enamal pins and stickers for sale. A portion of the purroceeds will go to help animals in need. We want to build a foundation that will help an animal welfare organization once a year.
KATNISS: I love when cats use their fame fur good.
SMUSH: My meowmies are the driving furce behind my felinethropy. I come from a rescue-focused family. We do what we can to help, especially when it comes to TNR (trap-neuter-release).
KATNISS: I heard your fans contributed nearly $1,200 to Operation Catnip, which helps feral cats. That’s ameowzing!
SMUSH: Well, I was once a street cat myself, so this is impurrtant to me.
KATNISS: Tell me how you’re connected to the monthly subscription goodie box, CatLadyBox.
SMUSH: They designed a t-shirt that says “Neuter is Cuter” and are donating a purrtion of the sales to Operation Catnip in my name.
KATNISS: Pawsome! Any other upcoming purrojects I should know about?
SMUSH: It looks like I will be putting together a children’s book with the artist who designed my pin, Natelle from Natelle Draws Stuff, doing the illustrations. And maybe a photo book, too.
KATNISS: What do you do on your down time – if you have any down time?
SMUSH: I like to snack. I’m obsessed with bread. I’m always stealing it when my Humans aren’t looking. But it’s not like it’s taking a toll on my girlish figure. MOL!
KATNISS: Hey, we cats are supposed to look like loafs.
SMUSH: Right?
Follow Smush on Instagram, Facebook and her website.