He’s 15, deaf, FIV+, has 2 teeth, 1 ½ ears and we think he’s pawsome.
KATNISS: You were a stray who worked at a car shop… but then you were displaced and rescued by Austin Pets Alive.
SHOP CAT: Yes, I was on the euthansia list because of my age and health issues when Austin Pets Alive pulled me. I had ringworm and feline calicivirus, but with the pro-purr treatment and some love and compassion, my health drastically impurroved.
KATNISS: And then you were were deemed adoptable.
SHOP CAT: Except… no one wanted to adopt me(ow). Six months passed with no interest.
KATNISS: What? But you’re so charming and purrsonable!
SHOP: Why, thank mew. Unfurtunately, the Humans who came in were not looking for me. It’s nearly impawsible to compete with cute, cuddly kittens and floofy lap cats.
KATNISS: Fur sure. So how did you compete?
SHOP CAT: I didn’t. I was just my raggly, straggly-looking self. I may not have su-purr meowdel looks, but I make up for that with my winning purrsonality. So I would sit front-and-center in the walk-in cat room and welcome every visitor with my loud meow.
KATNISS: And eventually, the right purrson took notice.
SHOP CAT: Yes. A woman came in to drop off a kitten she was fostering. I greeted her as if to say, “Don’t count meowt.” She petted my head and I purred and purred.
KATNISS: So then you went to your new home. Were you nervous? Scared? Shy?
SHOP CAT: Are you kitten me? I’d hit the jackpot! I immediately made myself at home. I followed the Humans around asking fur – and giving – lots of attention.
KATNISS: Were there other pets in the household?
SHOP CAT: Yes. The humans foster for local rescue groups, so I was greeted by many foster cats and kittens in addition to six purrmanent cats, a turtle and two frogs – one of whom is 25 years old!
KATNISS: And you get along with all of them?
SHOP CAT: Of course! I didn’t want to be a foster cat, I wanted to be a furever cat, so what better way to purrove I’m a purrfect fit than fitting in purrfectly?
KATNISS: You have a good catitude.
SHOP CAT: Well, you can purrobably tell by looking at me that I’ve had a hard life. But now I’ve got it made. I get all the food I need – I’m not purrticular about what kind because it’s all good – and I have crinkle balls, toy mice, feather wands and plenty of room to zoom up and down the hallway at night.
KATNISS: Big impurrovment from… what could have been.
SHOP CAT: Don’t I know it. I’m living purroof that life can get better even when it seems impawsible.
Follow ShopCat on Instagram.