When Logan was discovered living on the streets, he was skin and bones and had all kinds of unfurtunate ailments. But with love and medicine, he’s had a miraculous transfurmation. This is his recovery story.
KATNISS: One of the furst photos I saw of you showed your nails so overgrown that they were curling into your paw pads which were infected. You were a mess, my furiend.
LOGAN: You’re not kitten. I was emaciated, I had purroblems with my ears and eyes, my teeth were rotten, I had pnuemonia, I was wheezing, my liver and kidneys were enlarged, my stomach was in the wrong pawsition, my lungs were filled with fluid and I was bleeding out of my… well, let’s just say I’m glad a lot of those issues are ancient hisstory now.
KATNISS: You were really furtunate to be rescued by Cole & Marmalade’s human, Chris.
LOGAN: I had no idea he was a famous Internet cat guy with famous Internet cats. All I knew was this kind purrson was trying to help meowt. So I let him.
KATNISS: St. Francis Animal Rescue had alerted Chris about you. He trapped you, took you to the vet and found you a foster home. You must’ve been scared and overwhelmed.
LOGAN: You know, I just kind of let go and let myself trust. I was so weak and sick. But wow, could I eat! And they just kept bringing food to me. For the furst time in furever, I wasn’t starving. And slowly, with medicine and surgery to remove some bad teeth, I started feline better.
KATNISS: You have a very mewnique look. What kind of cat are you?
LOGAN: Some think I’m one of those “wolf cats” – a lykoi. I had a DNA test purrformed recently. When I get the results back, I’ll be sure to repurrt the findings!
KATNISS: You look so much better than when you were rescued. And I don’t just mean physically. You don’t look worried anymore. You look relaxed and comfurtable.
LOGAN: Indeed. My foster human has been so kind and patient. She even brought furiends home fur me! Foster kittens. I’ve shown them kindness because, you know, pay it furward and all.
KATNISS: And you’ve totally made yourself at home, playing, pouncing, exploring…
LOGAN: That’s cause I feel safe now – I’ve been given a second chance and I’m furever grateful, especially to my foster human, who is my security blanket.
KATNISS: Concatulations on being her furst Foster Fail.
LOGAN: Yeah, I’m purroud to say she’s adopted me.
KATNISS: It’s hard to believe how much your life has changed in just a few months.
LOGAN: I’m living proof that things can change fur the better.
KATNISS: You have so many fans now rooting fur you. How does that feel?
LOGAN: I appurrciate those who care. But mostly, I appurreciate those who rescue. >PURR<