Peany, or P, is a permakitten with a snaggletooth, one eye and a partial nose. And she couldn’t be cuter.
KATNISS: I understand you have a Cat Mom and a Humom who are both a big part of your life.
P: Yes! My Cat Mom, whose name is Plop, stuck with me even though I was the runt of the litter and not expected to survive. In most cases, a Mama Cat will abandon a small and sickly kitten, but she took me under her paw and didn’t give up on me. I had trouble nursing, so my Humom bottle fed me and didn’t listen to those who said I wasn’t worth saving.
KATNISS: You are very furtunate.
P: Yes. I am grateful and I let them know with lots of purring.
KATNISS: Is your purring louder since you are missing part of your nose?
P: My purring isn’t louder, purr se, but I’ve been told I make loud noises due to my nose. My Humom says she can hear me coming from anywhere in the house because my sniffing is loud and my breathing sounds like snorting. I also make a lot of noise eating.
KATNISS: That should gross meowt, but it’s kind of adorable.
KATNISS: You seem to have the energy of a kitten. What are your favorite toys?
P: Right now, I am pawsitively INSANE for ping pong balls! My Humom bought me a 50 pack on Amazon.
KATNISS: 50 ping pong balls?! Wow, it could take a whole week to bat all those under the couch.
P: Yeah, but I’m up for the task!
KATNISS: And you have a new playmate, too.
P: Yes! My Cat Mom wasn’t all that interested in keeping up with my kittenish energy, so my Humans went to Best Friends Animal Society and adopted a playmate, Phoebe, just for me(ow). She is my bestest furiend.
KATNISS: Aww. I bet you have some great adventures together.
P: Oh, yes. I am always making lists of fun things fur us to do. But first, we need to smack all those ping pong balls under the couch.
Follow P on Instagram.