Ozzy is obsessed with peaches.

He doesn’t eat them. He just loves to cuddle up with them, rub his cheeks against them and use them as pillows.

KATNISS: What is it about peaches?

OZZY: Well, they’re cute, fuzzy, and round. Kind of like us cats. What’s not to love?

KATNISS: Have you ever taken a bite?

OZZY: No, I could never eat my friends.

KATNISS: Tell me about the peaches. Do they grow in your yard?

OZZY: No, my human Grandma buys them from a local orchard every summer. Then she brings them home and spreads them out so they can ripen. I help with that.

KATNISS: You help her spread them out?

OZZY: No, I help them ripen. By cuddling with them. They like that.

KATNISS: In a post, one of your Humans encouraged readers to subscribe to their local newspaper. Why?

OZZY: To put the peaches on, of course. They ripen when you put them out on mewspaper.

KATNISS: It’s a good thing your Grandma doesn’t buy peaches from the Asian market or she might be fashioning a humiliating hat for you.

photo: @yomeponta

OZZY: Oh, dear, I would not be amewsed.

KATNISS: Humans online are loving your love of peaches. There’s even been fan art.

artwork by @siplick

artwork by @eboods










OZZY: Awww, that makes me feel warm and fuzzy. Just like a peach.

KATNISS: What does your cat sister, Darcy, think of your affinity for peaches?

OZZY: She thinks I’m weird.


KATNISS: You are weird. But in a wonderful way. Keep being you, Ozzy.


Follow Ozzy on Instagram.