She’s a mustachioed female feline with a comical purrsonality. She’s Muppet the Moustached Cat.
KATNISS: Muppet, you have such ridiculously huge “anime” eyes. You look constantly alarmed. Are you, or is this just your “look?”
MUPPET: I guess you could say I’m sort of in a perpetual state of wonder and awe. Everything captivates me. If mom’s holding a toy to distract me for a picture, I’ll have a wide-eyed look on my face. But if she moves that toy across the wall…well that’s just mind-blowing. By this point mom’s lucky to get a clear picture because she’s laughing so much.
KATNISS: You seem to not only tolerate but actually enjoy meowdeling costumes, bowties, hats, etc. Tell me about this pastime.
MUPPET: Bowties and bandanas I don’t mind at all. The hats I’m not too fond of, but I know if I sit still for a few minutes mom will give me my favorite beef treats. I’m so used to this that as soon as the hat comes off I run to the treat bag.
KATNISS: Oh yeah, that’s the only way they’ll get a costume on me. Only I try to look really miserable, to guilt them into a few extra treats.
MUPPET: Good tip – I’ll remember that.
KATNISS: So, Muppet… which muppet do you think you most resemble?
MUPPET: My mom says I reminder her of Beaker because he’s got that wide-eyed expression…talks gibberish non-stop…
KATNISS: …and is ridiculously cute.
(Muppet blushes.)
KATNISS: You know what’s also cute? All the photos of you chilling out in a bathroom drawer. Do your humans crack up every time they come in and find you there?
MUPPET: Oh, totally. And the fact that it’s always the same drawer is funny to them for some reason. My sister Tink loves the drawers, too, but she’ll hang out in any one she can open. Sometimes I find her in mine and the fight is on. My humans have accepted that my drawer is my very own apartment so they don’t put anything in there. Many times though, they’ll find the odd fuzzy mouse or sock in there that I’ve decided to decorate with.
KATNISS: Once you were a tiny, feral kitten, so dirty that no one even knew you had a mustache until you were cleaned up. What would you like to tell other Humans about street cats?
MUPPET: Sadly, my feral situation was the result of complete neglect on the part of humans that should have been caring for me. I was born in the backyard of a very dysfunctional home and my little family was left to fend for ourselves. Something happened to my catmom when I was tiny and she never returned, my siblings died and then it was just me, left out there with no one to love me. It was by chance my humom found me and took me out of that situation. I was dirty, flea-infested, malnourished and terrified. It took a long time for me to trust humans.
Mom’s been very patient and the results have been so worth it. She and I have a bond that there’s no words to describe. We own each other’s hearts. If I could tell anyone about adopting a feral it would be to not give up. Some are more challenging than others, and adult ferals are obviously more challenging than kittens. But inside every one of those fearful kitties is a loving companion who just needs to learn that their human loves them. Once they earn that trust, it’s all the more precious when their love is reciprocated.
Follow Muppet on IG: @muppet_the_moustached_cat and FB: Muppet the Moustached Cat