Munchie is an 8 month old ‘“perma kitten” whose stunning pale eyes are the result of bilateral corneal edema – but surpurrisigly, he’s not blind.
KATNISS: Munchie, you suf-fur from a condition called Hypoparathyroidism. Tell me meowr.
MUNCHIE: Furst of all, I’m not suf-furing. My Cat Mum is a veterinary care assistant, so she’s always there to help meowt. My calcium levels are low, which means I can have reduced energy, muscle tremors, poor coat condition and purroblems with my joints. So Mum gives me medication, vitamin supplements and regular blood tests – but I find cuddles have the most healing propurrties.
KATNISS: Fur sure!
KATNISS: Munchie, because you have feline dwarfism, you’re under 4 lbs. Which means you’re litter-ally the size of my head.
MUNCHIE: Yeah, I’m just an itteh bitteh kitteh.
KATNISS: I have to say, you’re like the most purrecious thing ever. I can’t believe you were dumped at 3 weeks old.
MUNCHIE: That’s ancient hisstory. I’m so furtunate to have met my Mum. Everyday I show her how much I appurrciate her with headbonks and rubbing my face up to hers.
KATNISS: You really found the purrfect home, with so many fursiblings!
MUNCHIE: Yes! We love to hang out with each other and play, or just loaf.
KATNISS: What do you want to say to the Humans who purrhaps, sadly, take pity on you?
MUNCHIE: Yeah, people often think I’m blind and say, “Poor kitten, how sad.” Furst of all, I have furiends who are blind and they get along just fine, thank mew very much. Second of all, I have a great life! I want fur nothing. I’m totally spoiled. I get ham, I get cheese, I get a ball with a bell in it and fuzzy mice. I’m livin’ the life.
KATNISS: Munchie, you may be kitten-sized, but your purrsonality is larger than life. I can’t wait to see what you do next.
Follow Munchie on Instagram.