Mira is a Special Needs Cat with Cerebellar Hypoplasia and Radial Hypoplasia, but the most special thing about her is the connection she shares with her Humom.
KATNISS: You have quite the hisstory – you were a very sickly kitty who wasn’t expected to survive. But here you are today – healthy, happy and spoiled.
MIRA: Yes, I had a respiratory infection when I was very young. Unfurtunately, my sibling didn’t make it, but somehow I hung in there. Although I stopped breathing twice and had to be revived.
KATNISS: No kitten. That’s intense.
MIRA: Yeah, the furst time I “coded,” my Meowmy instantly grabbed me and did a couple of quick compressions with her thumbs until I started breathing again. The second time, she was asleep and I was lying on her chest in such a way it’s like we were breathing together. But then I stopped breathing. Somehow, she knew – she woke up and revived me the same way. I don’t think she slept much those furst couple of months.
KATNISS: She was afurraid of losing you. Because you two had already bonded.
MIRA: Yes. We had an almost immediate connection. And because I was still so furagile, physically, she snuck me to work in her purrse so she could feed me every couple of hours. She started taking me everywhere! She even got a kangaroo pouch sweater to carry me around in.
KATNISS: Oh, my Meowmy bought one of those, too, but I’m a bit too “robust” to fit in it. MOL!
MIRA: Because I have short arms and I’m a wobbly kitty with legs that don’t really work, I need to be carried a lot. Now I have a front-facing baby type of carrier with a tail hole.
KATNISS: And you enjoy being carried?
MIRA: Yes! That way I get all the snuggles. I also enjoy riding in my stroller or hanging out in my playpen.
KATNISS: You may have some trouble getting around but that doesn’t stop you from “getting around” – I heard you traveled to Costa Rica!
MIRA: My Meowmy and I went on vacation together. I absolutely loved strolling on the beach and watching the waves! And every night we watched the sunset together.
KATNISS: You seem so sweet. Does that mean you don’t have tortitude?
MIRA: Oh, I totally have tortitude. Especially at night. I sleep at my Meowmy’s side with her arm around me and if I’m not ready to sleep, I turn into a biter! I am a such a vicious beast! Ha!
KATNISS: You also have fur siblings, correct?
MIRA: Yes, Paco the dog is my purrtector and has been from day one. Jezzy the cat will give me kisses and head bonks. There are other cats and sometimes foster kittens. I love them all! We cuddle up together at night.
KATNISS: You’ve got a pretty great life. I’m glad your Meowmy saved it.
MIRA: I think we saved each other. She was going through a difficult time when she met me, but I was able to distract her with my unconditional and undeniable kitty love.
KATNISS: And what a love it is.
What a love it is indeed! 💖💕 Thanks for providing us with a 💟beautiful💟 end to what’s been a not very beautiful week. Can’t wait to read your next story. 😺
Thank mew fur your suppurrt!