He’s big. He’s beefy. He’s been adopted.
Meet Meatloaf, Media Sensation.
When King’s Harvest Pet Rescue posted a photo of the cranky 30 lb. cat, his photo went viral. People were calling from all over the country about this majestic beast, but sorry fans – he’s taken. As Meatloaf settles in as a therapy cat to a veteran suffering from PTSD, we had the chance for a cat-to-cat chat.
KATNISS: Concatulations on your new furever home!
MEATLOAF: Thanks! I’m feline pretty good about it. Although at first I was taken aback when they told me I was being adopted by a vet. C’mon, you know we cats hate the vet.
KATNISS: That’s hissterical.
Which is tastier?
KATNISS: You were described as “cranky.” You don’t seem cranky to me.
MEATLOAF: Imagine you were dumped in a shelter, leaving the only life you’ve ever known. There are all kinds of weird animal smells, everything’s diffurent… you’d be cranky, too.

photo credit: KWQC
KATNISS: Well, I’m glad those days are over meow. I heard your new owner brought you home in a carrier designed for a dog, due to your um… “robust” size.
MEATLOAF: Yeah, that was thoughtful. I’m warmer due to my size, so I shouldn’t have to stuff myself into a small space.
KATNISS: Though Humans do seem to find that sort of thing amewsing. “If it fits, I sits.”
MEATLOAF: Right meow, the only thing I’m interested in sitting on is my new Cat Daddy’s lap. I think he and I are going to get along just fine.
KATNISS: But do you have any expurrience being a therapy animal?
MEATLOAF: Purrlease, I’m a cat. We snuggle, we purr — we have therapeutic healing powers.
KATNISS: You speak the truth, my furiend, you speak the truth.