Moody is a Selkirk Rex who was taken in by a vet tech after his eye had to be removed. 

KATNISS: So Moody, how did your eye get infected in the furst place?

MOODY: Unfurtunately, my breeder was using eye meds to treat my eye infection without consulting a doctor. It turned out I had a corneal ulcer and the meds she was using made it worse, and befur we knew it, it was too late to save my eye.

KATNISS: What a catastrophe.

MOODY: Yes, but then the breeder surrendered me to the vet tech to ensure I got the propurr medical attention. And today I’m feline fine.

KATNISS: And that vet tech is now your Meowmy. 

MOODY: I know, how purrfect is that? I love being her Baby Monster.

KATNISS: Tell me about the fursiblings you live with.

MOODY: There’s a lot of them! I love to chase the grrrls and roughhouse with the boys. But the most fun is a ball of paper. I’ll come running from the other room if I hear paper crinkle! 

KATNISS: I do the same thing when I hear the treat bag open!

MOODY: Well, yeah. Who doesn’t love treats? Temptations are my weakness.

KATNISS: Oh Meow God – me, too. 

MOODY: You know what I also love? To play fetch. I carry toys and paper balls around the house in my mouth while meowing and chirping. 

KATNISS: That must be a sight to see – considering your big bod and stubby legs. No offense.

MOODY: None taken! My Meowmy says I look like a fat little raccoon. But hey, I’ve worked hard for this bod.

KATNISS: Worked hard eating Temptations?

MOODY: MOL! You’ve figured meowt. 


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