Louis has become an instant celebricat thanks to his scowling stare of purrmanent rage. But is he really just a gentle pussycat?
KATNISS: Concatuations on taking the Internet by storm. The articles I’ve read all say that while you may look angry, you’re purrfectly loveable.
LOUIS: Oh, that’s litter-ally just some spin my people put out to make me seem “likeable” when I really have disgust and disdain for just about everyone.
KATNISS: Wow, so you’re not actually a snuggly, cuddly Meowma’s boy?
LOUIS: Blasphemy! Total misrepurrsentation!
KATNISS: Really? So why are you so fur-ious?
LOUIS: Well, furst of all, my Human dared to humiliate me with a lion’s cut.
KATNISS: Oh, that is embarrassing…
LOUIS: And if that weren’t bad enough, she put clothing on me. Unflattering and infur-iating!
KATNISS: But aside from these indignities, it can’t be all bad. Tell me about your relationship with your fur-sister, Monae.
LOUIS: She deserves every dirty look I give her, every squinting of the eyes, every unspoken hiss!
KATNISS: Well, sibling rivalry is purrty typical…
LOUIS: She should be banished from my sight! She is an abomination!
KATNISS: But isn’t it true you two beg for treats together?
LOUIS: Lies! Louis begs for nothing! I am served treats on a silver platter whenever and however often I demand them!
KATNISS: Hmm… why do I think this is just an act? That deep down, you’re just a big softie.
LOUIS: Well, I must admit that my fur is very soft. I use a purrotein conditioner when I am bathed… Ugh – baths! Another humiliation!
KATNISS: I have to agree with you there. So, what do you think about the people who are dubbing you “The Next Grumpy Cat”?
LOUIS: I understand that with the passing of Grumpy Cat there was a large hole left in the Interwebs. But there will only ever be one Grumpy Cat. I am flattered by the compurrison, but I am my own beast.
KATNISS: That you are.
Follow Louis and his sister, Monae, on Instagram.