Keys is an Internet sensation known fur her famous “hands in the air” pose. I got the chance to sit down with her in purrson and talk about fame, fans and her love of coconut oil.
KATNISS: Keys, it was so great to chat with you at CatCon. How was it meeting your Internet followers?

Backstage at CatCon
KEYS: CatCon was pawesome! I loved seeing all my fans and getting all the pets. It was my furrst time doing meet-and-greets and I’d be lion if I said I didn’t have some cattitude on day two, but after a couple treats I was ready to get back to the stage!
KATNISS: I noticed you really love to purr. Loudly and purrsistently.
KEYS: Yes! I am also quite the talker. Especially when my Cat Dad is making a turkey sandwich. That’s when I become a purrfessional beggar!
KATNISS: I also hear you like to carry in “gifts” you catch outside and bring them to your Cat Dad.
KEYS: Oh, yes! I often surpurrise him by bringing him a leaf in my mouth. He seems to appurrciate it when I do.
KATNISS: So, tell me about your famous pose. How did that start?
KEYS: One time I did it as sort of a stretch and my Cat Dad rewarded me with a treat – coconut oil, which is just something he had on hand. Turns out I love it! Now I have trained him to reward me every time I lift my paws up high.
KATNISS: Impurressive! You know, everyone’s so busy looking at your arms above your head but I’m looking at those hips and thighs which are really hissterical.
KEYS: I’m glad you are amewsed!
KATNISS: But your furbrother doesn’t seem at all impurressed by your antics.
KEYS: Yeah, Goose doesn’t really get why my pose is such a big deal. Which is why he likes to photobomb my pictures. He purrtends he’s just hanging out, but he’s got an agenda. Sorry, gotta go – I hear the coconut oil jar opening right meow!
KATNISS: Go! Put those hands in the air!
Follow Keys on Instagram.
I didn’t know about Keys until this great story. It was fun reading getting to know him, and I 🔶️always🔶️ love stories that include tips about how to train your hoomans! 🐈
Goal Kitty certainly has that down!