Dumpling was born with rear leg paralysis but that doesn’t purrvent her from zooming around the house at top speed in a mermaid tail.
KATNISS: When you were rescued, you weighed only 9 ounces and were suf-furing.
DUMPLING: You’re not kitten. A Volunteer from the nonpurrofit Catsnip, Etc. had come to see a family about TNRing the commewnity cats in their barn. That’s when they saw me and decided to help meowt. If they hadn’t taken me in, I may have met an unfurtunate end.
KATNISS: And with the help of Foster Kitten Sanctuary who helped with the fostering, and Catsnip, Etc. who purrvided the financial suppurrt, you were soon feline better.
DUMPLING: Yes. But my mewd really lifted when my foster pawrents decided to adopt me, realizing I was the “missing piece to their family.”
KATNISS: Pawesome. And now you have 7 fursiblings – how fun!
DUMPLING: Yes. My tripawd cat brother, Tim Gunn, was the furst to take an interest in me. My brothers wrestle with me, but they’re careful and don’t “bunny kick” me like they do each other. And all my fursiblings will snuggle and groom me.
KATNISS: How did your Human Servants come up with the idea of a mermaid tail for you?
DUMPLING: Well, at furst I was so small that they ordered a mermaid tail for a doll on Etsy, to purrtect my legs when I drag them behind me. Then they decided to make purrmaid tails fur me and also gift them to other kitties with rear leg purralyasis.
KATNISS: What really surpurrised me, when watching your videos, is just how FAST you zoom around the house. You even go up and down stairs!
DUMPLING: Oh yes, I’m crazy fast! I’m also fearless, determined and very independent! I furmly believe that diffurences don’t have to define you. I never let the fact that I only have two working legs hold me back!
KATNISS: Tell me about your favfurite activities.
DUMPLING: I like to climb up on the window to chatter at the birds. I love to harass my older siblings. I demand all of the belly pats from my Human Servants. I make biscuits on the Female Human’s face while I eat her hair. But the thing I love most is chasing ice cubes! When I hear the freezer open, I RUN over and jam my face in it until I get an ice chip which I claim as my prey.
KATNISS: You’re really hissterical, you know that?
DUMPLING: Hey, when life gives you lemons, why not bat them around the floor, under the cupboard and down the steps?
KATNISS: I think we can all learn from your purrspective.