Doby is a lovable, playful cat with a cleft palate, cleft nose and mild Cerebellar Hypoplasia, which makes him a little wobbly.

We love his mewnique look.

KATNISS: You have quite the rescue story – you were furst at The Cat House on the Kings and then at the Friends for Life Rescue Nework.

DOBY: Yes – FFL pulled me from The Cat House on the Kings last July when my best friend, a blind kitty, was adopted into a furever home and I was left alone. I was anxious and nervous without him, so The Cat House on the Kings sent along my special bed. I had a number of health issues including multiple upper respiratory infections – all of which are now hisstory.

KATNISS: I’m glad you’re feline better now. And that you have a furever home of your own!

DOBY: Oh, yes, I have the best Humans! <PURR>

KATNISS: So, have you been able to meet other cats like you online? I know there is a network of special needs cats.

DOBY: Yes! I am furiends with @harley_tank_quinn and @bubbithecat. They both have cleft noses and mild CH. I have also met other cleft nose and palate kitties like @burritothekat, @thesweetestmeow and other CH kitties like, @lokiethecatofmischief, and @wilywyattandfamily.

KATNISS: How does having a cleft lip and nose impact your life?

DOBY: Well, I’m more purrone to upper respiratory infections. I also can get easily winded while playing. That’s something my Humans are aware of and watch closely.

KATNISS: Besides your people, you have two sisters, Luna and Jet.


DOBY: Yes, they were also adopted through FFLR. They have bobtails and extra toes, which our Humans didn’t realize until they met them in purrson. Luna also has curled ears.

KATNISS: So you are all mewnique!

DOBY: That we are!

KATNISS: I’ve heard you have a talent for singing.

DOBY: Yes! When my Humans wake up, I jump onto the bed, purr and sing my raow-raow song. I also have a “follow me to the kitchen” song.

KATNISS: And what are some of your favorite activities?

DOBY: Well, I’m a purrfessional feather toy destroyer. I also like to chew on Dad’s hoodie ties when he’s holding me. And I play fetch every night with Meowmy and Dad.

KATNISS: How does CH affect your life?

DOBY: I have intention tremors which make me wobble about when I’m concentrating on something – like which toy to attack – or if I’m singing or chirping at the birds outside the window.

KATNISS: You sound like you’ve got a purrty good life.

DOBY: Oh, yes! I have laps to curl up in, Humans and cats to snuggle with, toys and treats… I am really quite furtunate. <PURR>


Follow Doby on Instagram.