This beautiful chimera or “two-faced” cat has an eye-catching appurrance and an amewing purrsonality. 

KATNISS: Furst you were going by Cat, now you’re going by Wendy – what is your real name?

WENDY: My real name is แมว, which is Thai for… cat. I also go by Wendy now.

KATNISS: So, Wendy, how did you find your furever home?

WENDY: My Meowmy’s furiend on Facebook post my photo. Meowmy took one look at my face —

KATNISS: — And what a face it is! —

WENDY: — And the rest is hisstory.

KATNISS: Now, you don’t live with any other pets purr se, but you do have, um, insect “buddies.”

WENDY: Some people may find this appawling, but I like to play with cockroaches. Although sometimes I play too rough and accidentally… “unfriend” them. Which makes me feel sad.

KATNISS: Furgive yourself – we cats are purredators by nature. Once I ate a spider and left the legs behind. Speaking of treats – what is your favfurite?

WENDY:  Cat liquid snack bar is the most I love!

KATNISS:  Oh, those liquid squeezy meat tubes! Those are pawesome! But I heard you have another snack you love even meowr – something that’s in short supply.

WENDY: You’re not kitten! It’s true — I love toilet paper. I love to bite it, chew it and tear it to shreds! 

KATNISS: I think the same might be said fur your furiend the cockroach.

KATNISS: So now that you’re becoming famous, maybe you’ll get to meet the most famous cat in Thailand – Bone Bone.

WENDY: Oh, I love him! He’s so fluffy! He is a supurrstar!

KATNISS: So are you, my furiend, so are you.


Follow Cat on Instagram.