Butters is a handsome hunk of a cat with charisma to spare.

He is also a “community cat” – an outdoor cat who is fed by the kind people @helpingcats.

KATNISS: Butters, help meowt here – why do you hang around this cat community if all the females are spayed and thus immune to your charms?

BUTTERS: Yeah, that’s pretty unfurtunate fur me – it does take a toll on the ego. But these Humans put out a good spread of noms.

KATNISS: Ah, it’s about the food…

BUTTERS: They serve only the best. And they’re very regular about it. If they’re late with dinner, I voice my complaints quite loudly. And I can go on furever.

KATNISS: Well, it’s important to train the Humans.

BUTTERS: You’re not kitten.

KATNISS: So, if the females are all spayed and you’re not fixed…

BUTTERS: Yeah, there’s been talk that the Humans are fixin’ on fixin’ me.


BUTTERS: Well, at first I thought it was apaw-ling. I mean, I’m quite the ladies man. But when I see how many homeless cats there are, I don’t want to add more kittens into the mix. That would be a cat-astrophe. It gets cold and snowy outside. This is not the ideal life for a cat. So yeah, they might be able to purrsuade me.

KATNISS: So you think you’ll let them snap you up… and snip ‘em off?

BUTTERS: Yeah, I’m man enough to say it’s the right thing to do. I’ve enjoyed my time carousing, but I really just want chin scratches, snuggles and food. Isn’t that what we all want? Oh, gotta go – the Humans are here with my noms.

KATNISS: Those are some pretty great people you’ve got there.

BUTTERS: Don’t I know it.

UPDATE: Butters allowed himself to be captured and neutered. He is feline just fine.


Please visit HelptheFurbabies on FB and @helpingcats on Instagram, where you can follow Butters’ adventures.

If you’d like to contribute to food for Butters and his friends, please go to: https://lnk.bio/vJMV