Buscemi is a snaggle-toothed, smoosh-faced rescue cat who bears a striking resemblance to actor/director Steve Buscemi.

KATNISS: Are you furmiliar with my furiend Marla, aka, Steve Buscemi Cat?

BUSCEMI: I did find her online! Appurrantly there’s more than one of us who looks like Steve Buscemi.

KATNISS: That’s nothing – there are 2 sub-reddits dedicat-ed to cats who look like Ron Perlman.

BUSCEMI: Impurressive!

KATNISS: So you were adopted from Kitty Devore Rescue. You now have a roommate, a senior Calico named Mila. What did she think when you furst moved in?

BUSCEMI: Hard to tell. She’s got what the Humans call her “resting b*tch face.” But I tend to think she secretly likes me now. Especially when I chase her around the house!


KATNISS: So, you like to play. What are your favfurite toys?

BUSCEMI: I love brown packing paper. I’ll jump on it, roll in it, and pretty much destroy it.

KATNISS: Of course, it’s your kill.

BUSCEMI: But the best toys are toilet paper rolls! When I hear that cardboard hit the grrround, I come running, ready to pounce!

KATNISS: You’re such a predator.

BUSCEMI: Yes, I’ve been told I’m fearless. The other day I undertook a brave excursion into the fireplace. It was dark, it was dirty and I came out covered in ash.

Note ash on chin

KATNISS: Wow, you are fearless!

BUSCEMI: You’re not kitten – I’ve even been known to walk around the edge of the tub.

KATNISS: Oh Meow God, I did that once and fell in. While my Meowmy was taking a bath!

BUSCEMI: Now that would freak meowt!

KATNISS: When you’re done attacking packing paper, toilet paper rolls and exploring the fireplace, you must need some time to relax.

BUSCEMI: Oh, yes – I love being held and carried around like the furbaby I am.


BUSCEMI: Oops – gotta go! I just heard a toilet paper roll drop to the ground!


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