He’s been called high-maintence, demanding and “extra.” He’s also been called “thicc” and “potato shaped.” We call him fantastic.

KATNISS: Bruno, you seem to have chosen the purrfect furever home. Tell me how that came about.

BRUNO: Well, when I was at the Wright Way Rescue, the Humans there showed me a tape my new Meowmy made for me. She sang a song written especially for me which really knocked meowt. It was purrfect – I was really feline it. 

KATNISS: Wow, she must’ve really wanted to cat-ch your attention.

BRUNO: And she did! She was so dramatic – I knew she was extra, too.

KATNISS: So your Mom’s a mewsician?

BRUNO: Yeah, she’s a purrfessional purrformer. But she lets me shine like the star I am. MOL.

KATNISS: Does she still sing to you?

BRUNO: Oh, yes. And I like to sing with her, too.







KATNISS: And your Cat Dad?

BRUNO: He’s cool, too. Meowmy and Daddy just get me. They know I love affection and relaxation more than just about anything – and I think they do, too.

KATNISS: Are you the only pet?

BRUNO: I’m an only child, and I’d have it no other way. I love being the center of attention! Meowmy says I’m the most affection cat ever.

KATNISS: Sounds like there’s a lot of purrks. Any drawbacks to your new home?

BRUNO: Just one. The Humans have put me on a diet. Let me tell you – diets are NO. FUN. I don’t get many treats at ALL, and I eat the same prescription food litter-ally every day. Then my parents go and eat their own dinner every night and don’t share it with me(ow)! It’s torture!

KATNISS: That’s really apawling, but you know they think they’re helping you. So stand up, give them the sad face and maybe they’ll throw a little chicken your way. Do they at least give you toys?

BRUNO: No toys for moi. I feel they are beneath me.

KATNISS: Hmm. What are some of your other quirks?

BRUNO: I love to talk. Constantly. I also enjoy being pet while I eat, I stand on my back legs – mostly for attention – and I prefur to drink water in different bowls away from my food bowl.

KATNISS: So, you are high-maintence, demanding and extra.

BRUNO: Don’t forget potato-shaped.

KATNISS: Well, I’m glad you found the purrfect home.

BRUNO: With the purrfect Humans! I sleep on my Humom’s chest every night, which is convenient, given at 24.5 pounds I’m as light as a feather. MOL!  I also enjoy lounging on the corners of furniture – the couch, the bed. I like livin’ on the edge.


Follow Bruno on Instagram.