photo: @scotthall29
Artemis is a rescue Persian who spends her days sleeping, eating… and taming feral kittens.
KATNISS: Artemis, you’re a recent rescue. Tell me how you found your furever home.
ARTEMIS: Well, I was very sad because I was told I had defects and was not “show worthy.” My face is too round, my eyes are too big and I have a bump on my nose. Because of this, I was treated poorly and was unwanted.
KATNISS: Who makes up those stupid rules? You’re purrfectly beautiful!
ARTEMIS: Well, thank mew. But I was treated as “less than.” Every day, I hoped someone would come and take me away from my bad situation. All I could think was, “Get meowt of here.” And then, one day, a couple found me. I believe they were sent to me.
KATNISS: Sent to you? By whom?
ARTEMIS: Their former cat. She had passed away suddenly, leaving them deeply saddened. I believe she led them to me. I looked at them and they looked at me and we knew it was meant to be.
KATNISS: I have heard stories of cats who have passed over the Rainbow Bridge helping their purrevious Humans find new pets. And now… you have pets of your own.

photo: @scotthall29

photo: @scotthall29

photo: @scotthall29
ARTEMIS: That I do! Every kitten season, my Humans foster feral kittens for the Sante D’Or Foundation. This year, they brought in 3 kittens.
KATNISS: Wow, I would feel jealous if my Humans brought in kittens…
ARTEMIS: Oh, no. It’s not like that. They brought them here for me. To have furiends to play with! We chase each other, play with toys together and wrestle around. They were quite wild when they furst came here, but now they’re just so much fun!

photo: @scotthall29
KATNISS: You have a very impurtant job. Taming feral kittens is not easy work.
ARTEMIS: I know – my Meowmy had to teach them to eat because they didn’t know how! I’m doing the easy part.
KATNISS: From the looks of it, you’re doing a terrific job.

photo: scotthall29
ARTEMIS: Thank mew! I will miss them when they’ve been adopted out, but my Humom assures me that there will be others. I love having foster siblings!
KATNISS: Sounds like you picked the right home.
ARTEMIS: Fur sure.
Follow Artemis on Instagram.