Einy has a mewnique look due to a condition known as hydrocephalus, or fluid on the brain. But he doesn’t know he’s any diffurent and in many way, he’s really not.
KATNISS: Einy, tell me how you met your Foster Meowm.
EINY: She saw me on Petfinder where I was being cared fur by a rescue called Haven on Earth Animal League. She took one look and instantly fell in love with me(ow). But… there was a purroblem. She was leaving to go home to Scotland fur a couple of weeks.
KATNISS: That’s a purrty long time to risk you getting adopted by someone else!
EINY: Fur sure! But because she’s a rescue purrson herself, she asked the organization she volunteers fur, A Second Chance for Puppies and Kittens, if someone could come get me and keep me until she got back. Which they did.

Painting by Melly Moon
KATNISS: She sounds smitten, Kitten. Do you think your foster situation will turn into something more… purrmanent?
EINY: Oh, she’s definitely gonna be my furever Mum. She even calls me her “little man.”
KATNISS: I hear she also calls you Baby Beluga.
EINY: You had to admit, there’s a resemblance. Check out my purrofile.
KATNISS: Purrdon me for speaking LOUDLY, but I know you are purrty much deaf.
EINY: Yeah, but I’m a water-dish-half-full kinda guy – the way I look at it, being half deaf means I don’t get scared of the vacuum cleaner!
KATNISS: You have such a pawsitive catitude. Even though you have to go to the vet >SHUDDER< for things like “cat scans.”
EINY: To clawrify, I see a neurologist once a month and will get an MRI next month. But it doesn’t freak meowt because the doctor holds me and tells me I’m pawsome and I just love the attention!
KATNISS: You really are social. Do you have fursiblings at home?
EINY: Do I! We have a small farm with a horse, two ponies, a pig, turkey, chickens, geese, dogs and cats. Some are fosters, some purrmanent residents, all are my furriends. >PURR<
You, too, can be Einy’s friend. Follow him on IG and TikTok.