photo: The Furrtographer
This adorable cross-eyed kitty was recently rescued from a shelter and is now on his way to becoming an Internet star.
Introducing BELARUS.
KATNISS: When your photo was run on the Animal Care & Control in San Francisco Facebook page, it absolutely blew up.
BELARUS: That’s because I was lucky enough to meowdel for The Furrtographer, who is the Annie Leibovitz of the cat world. Befur I knew it, there were over 500K Facebook impressions on the shelter’s page and people were calling all over the country to ask about me(ow)!
KATNISS: Impurressive!

photo: The Furrtographer
BELARUS: I guess, but all that really matters to me is that the right purrson saw my photos and gave me a furever home.
KATNISS: What was it like, stepping into your new home? Were you nervous?
BELARUS: No… because I knew I was wanted. I immediately settled into my new space and curled up on the couch to watch TV with my new Meowmy. I now follow her from room to room and chirp at her. I’m training her so she knows when I need a kibble refill. She is a very fast learner! MOL!

photo: The Furrtographer
KATNISS: You’ve got snuggles, you’ve got food… what about toys?
BELARUS: Oh, there are toys! I’ve become obsessed with balls, especially ones that jingle. I have also found that those dangly things that Meowmy wears from her ears are a lot of fun to attack. I have broken into her jewelry box at night to play with them.
KATNISS: Of course – they are for you. So, what else do you like to do for fun?
BELARUS: I’m a big cuddle bug. I like to curl up on Meowmy’s shoulder while she’s at her computer, but only after I’ve grown tired of sitting on the keyboard. I also love to explore and smell everything. I love the sound of running water. I enjoy sleeping in tiny cubbies and closet spaces. I can get very creative that way.

Artwork by @pancake_connoisseur

Artwork by @breelouinlush

Artwork by @pawpaintsus

Artwork by @a.z.i.l.l.i.z
KATNISS: Speaking of creative… you’re already an inspurration fur fan art.
BELARUS: Yes – it’s pawesome! We’re thinking of creating and selling postcards or greeting cards with the art, with all purroceeds going to the SF Animal Care & Control Shelter.

In my new home!
KATNISS: Great idea! Very felinethropic of you, Belarus.
BELARUS: Thank mew.
KATNISS: Your name is Russian – are you a Russian Blue?
BELARUS: Well, the shelter had me listed as a Domestic Medium Hair but the Internet has rightly identified me as a Nebelung. I know that sounds kind of fancy, but really, I’m just a cat.
KATNISS: A cat who’s about to win over the Internet.
Follow Belarus on Instagram.