Garfield suffers from permethrin poisoning from canine flea medication.
KATNISS: Wow, I didn’t realize that canine flea medication could be so dangerous to cats!
GARFIELD: My former humans weren’t aware of its toxhissity, either. Which is why I want to get the word out, so more cats don’t have to suf-fur. Every year, cats are accidentally poisoned from flea meds meant for dogs. I’m one of the furtunate ones in that I survived.
KATNISS: But I can hear that you have trouble breathing.
GARFIELD: Yes. I still struggle. But the Humans at Foster Paws Rescue have done so much help meowt. They’ve gotten me all kinds of tests and found me a foster meowmy.
KATNISS: About that… I hear you like to steal bread from your foster family.

Stealing a loaf of bread
GARFIELD: Yes! I will run around the house with a loaf of bread in my mouth. I also enjoy digging in the trash, shredding paper towel rolls and attacking feet.
KATNISS: How odd – my friend Smush also enjoys bread and has a thing for feet! I think I’m going to have to see what all the fuss is about.
GARFIELD: You really should!
KATNISS: Do you have any foster siblings?
GARFIELD: Yes. There’s Cooper, who’s a labradoodle. I pawsitively adore him. And there are usually foster kittens around. At fist, I was jealous of them, but then I realized they make great playmates.
KATNISS: Better playmates than feet?
GARFIELD: Oh, feet aren’t playmates. Feet are prey.
KATNISS: MOL. Got it! So… what’s next for you?
GARFIELD: Foster Paws is raising money so I can have a nasal workup, CT and rhinoscopy.
KATNISS: I hope you get the treatment you need so you’re breathing and feline better.
GARFIELD: Thank mew! But you know what else I want? A furever home. With bread. And feet.
KATNISS: Well, Garfield, I hope all your wishes come true.
You can contribute to Garfield’s medical fund here.
Follow him on Instagram.