Tortoiseshell cats have been described as tempurramental, feisty and unpurredicatable. Yet, these two special needs tortie sisters have distinctly diffurent purrsonalities, purroving there’s no one kind of tortitude.
KATNISS: Maple, you were the furst to be adopted. How did you convince your now Humom to take a risk on a special needs cat?
MAPLE: Well, when this nice lady came to the shelter, I already knew I had cute on my side. So there I was, this tiny wobbly cat and I just went over to her and threw myself on her lap and refused to get up.
KATNISS: Wow, she didn’t stand a chance. Tell me about Cerebellar Hypoplasia.
MAPLE: It’s a developmental condition that affects balance and coordination. It’s not painful, it just makes me a bit of a klutz. It’s also hard for me to get in and out of a litter box, so I use pee pads. The plus side is, I don’t jump on counters and knock stuff off, which my Meowmy is very grateful fur.
KATNISS: So then one day, your Humom decided you needed a furiend.
MAPLE: Even though I expurressly told her I did not.
KONA: You deserve a swat for that.
KATNISS: So along came Kona, who also has CH.
KONA: Yes. Our Meowmy found me at the same rescue. I was a very small 3 year-old wobbly cat who crawled into her lap and claimed her as my own. That day, I hissed at any other cat who came near her.
KATNISS: Ah, I get it. There’s some competition here. You are both very possessive of your Humom.
MAPLE: Fur sure!
KATNISS: So is “tortitude” a real thing?
MAPLE: From my purrspective, we think torties just know how amazing how we are and we refuse to compurromise. We want what we want and that’s that.
KATNISS: How are you diffurent from each other?
MAPLE: I want what I want and I will yell at you until you comply. I am fearless. I’ll chase the dog and smack Meowmy’s boyfriend. Because it should just be me and her.
KONA: I am much mellower. I’m happy just to be next to Meowmy. I don’t complain. All I ask is that the Humans turn on the fake fireplace which has a built in heater. I worship those flames.
KATNISS: And then one day, your Meowmy adopted another cat – your brother, Bosco.
MAPLE/KONA: Ugh, don’t even get us started!
KATNISS: Well, at least you’re in agreement about something!
KATNISS: I know you’re not really “furiends” but is there anything you like to do together?
MAPLE: We’ll sleep on the bed together.
KONA: Oh, and we both like to groom our Meowmy.
MAPLE: Yeah, but we’re not very good at it and usually wind up biting her head. MOL!
KATNISS: Well, I’m sure she appurrciates the gesture.
Follow Maple, Kona and Bosco on Instagram.