Josephine is a su-purr cute polydactyl with a host of behavioral problems resulting from Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome.
KATNISS: Josephine, you are so sweet looking – it’s hard to believe you are purrone to sudden and violent mood changes. Which are not your fault. I think it’s impurrtant for others to understand your condition.
JOSEPHINE: Yes, my Human says if we can help just one cat pawrent to not have to put down their behaviorally challenging cat, then all of our difficulties will have been worth it.
KATNISS: To be specific, the purroblem is you’re a biter. As in you draw blood.
JOSEPHINE: Yes. It’s very impulsive. It’s like I lose control.
KATNISS: You do know that if your Human returned you to the shelter, you’d be labeled “unadoptable” and that would be the end of you. I’m talking a catastrophic ending.
JOSEPHINE: You speak the truth, my furiend. I’m furtunate that my Human Staff has not given up on me. I know I have made her suf-fur, but she still believes in pawsitive change – and I do, too.
KATNISS: So… you lash out at your Human Staff, but you’re on good behavior with visitors. Help meowt here – why is that?
JOSEPHINE: I guess I feel safe with her, if that makes sense. I know that despite my bad behavior, she loves me. And I love her. I chose her.
KATNISS: Your Human has followed Jackson Galaxy‘s behavioral training, you currently take medication fur your moods and you see a Veterinary Behaviorist.
JOSEPHINE: Yes, we purractice behavioral modification fur my anxiety, OCD traits and overstimulation.
KATNISS: How were you diagnosed?
JOSEPHINE: A Veterinary Behaviorist noticed I have a rippling of muscles along my spine – something my regular vet missed. My Human Staff used to pet my back, which would freak meowt, though I didn’t know why. And then I would attack. The rippling is a sign of Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome. The typical purresentation of cats with FHS is that the cat will suddenly, and seemingly for no reason, attack its own hind quarters and tail. What I have is the most uncommon purresentation of a most uncommon condition.
KATNISS: We’ve heard about your Dr. Jekyll side, now tell us about the Mr. Hyde part of you.
JOSEPHINE: I love to plop, roll and beg for tummy rubs – and it’s never a trap! I like to jump in the air to catch my feather wand, play cat-ch with hair ties, and one of my favfurite things is when my Human Staff holds me up to the window to give me the weather report.
KATNISS: I heard you also love to curl up in the sink.
JOSEPHINE: Yes, well, it is the purrfect fit.
KATNISS: Your Human Staff has showed incredible patience with you.
JOSEPHINE: I know. And I’m working on being kinder to her. I am purroud to say that I’ve become… a lap cat.
KATNISS: Wow – that’s purrogress fur sure!
KATNISS: What would you want to say to other Humans who may have cat with aggression issues?
JOSEPHINE: Don’t give up on your cat. Pets are purrt of the family. If you wouldn’t toss your kid away for acting out, don’t do that to your cat, either. Be patient, be kind, be loving. Have faith. And someday, you just might get rewarded.
If you are dealing with a behaviorally challenging cat, please reach out and get support. You are not alone.
Josephine’s Human Staff recommends Dr. Theresa DePorter’s YouTube channel. She is an internationally recognized expert on animal behavior.
Great story!!! Josephine and her HS are fantastic. Thanks for getting her story out there!
Yes, it was a very impurrtant story to get out there!
A very nice interview.
Thank mew!
A very important story, Katniss, and very well-writtten as well. I’m always looking for more information about behavioral issues im cats.
Thank mew again!
Journalism at its finest..interesting tail, and purr-blic service con-cat-enated!
MOL! Thank mew!