Felix made his TV appurrance on the Hallmark Channel’s Kitten Bowl this year, scoring points with cat lovers everywhere.
KATNISS: Felix, I understand you have fursiblings who are also blind or purrtially sighted.
FELIX: Yes, we are 5 cats with 5 eyes total!
KATNISS: What drew your purrsons to adopt cats with special needs?
FELIX: Well, the family had 2 cats already when the youngest Human, Julia (then 6) saw a shelter video of a tiny, sick kitten named Hogan who had severely infected eyes. Julia watched this video every day because she had such strong felines for this poor kitty. A month later, when visiting the shelter to help her grandpawrents find a puppy, Hogan was now available fur adoption. Julia knew this was a sign from the Universe that all the family’s future pets should be ones that might otherwise be overlooked.

KATNISS: So Hogan joined the family and it was such a pawsitive experience that three years later, they decided to open their home to another diffurently abled pet.
FELIX: Yes, Julia who was now about to turn 9, asked fur another special needs cat for her birthday instead of a party.
KATNISS: Wow, an adovcat at such an early age! This is someone who’s going to make a pawsitive diffurence in the world.

FELIX: She already has! Right when she put in an application at Last Hope Animal Rescue fur Liam, a blind cat who had been rescued from a hoarding situation. There was a slight delay in adoption because he was going to be featured on the Kitten Bowl IV with Beth Stern. Once filming was done, he arrived on Julia’s actual birthday, so that was purrfect.
KATNISS: You were also on the Kitten Bowl – is that how they found you?
FELIX: Actually, Last Hope Animal Rescue, which works with the Kitten Bowl to purrmote adoption of homeless cats, remembered Julia and her family and reached out to them to see if they might want to adopt me(ow).
KATNISS: And you won them over with your cuteness and winning purrsonality.
FELIX: Fur sure! I knew this was litter-ally the best home fur me. I love all four of my fursiblings – and, of course, my dear furiend, Julia.
KATNISS: Now that you have a platfurm, what do you want people to know about pets who are blind or otherwise atypical?
FELIX: That even though we might look a little diffurent, we’re not. They may call us “special needs,” but we’re able to adapt so well, that oftentimes we don’t really need anything special or any special treatment.
FELIX: We may be more mewnique than other animals, but our diffurences are what make us exceptional. In my family, three of us are visually impurred – two of us are completely blind – but you’d never know! We navigate the world – and the fur-niture – so well and never bump into anything.
KATNISS: Impurressive! Is there anything else you want people to know?
FELIX: I love snuggling, belly rubs, I purr nonstop, I run and play and climb. I can play fetch for hours with toy mice and I’ve never met a crinkly ball I don’t like. But my favfurite toy is a squiggly worm wand which I will attack, then carry around the house in my teeth.
KATNISS: Fun! I know you’re just a kitten doing your kitten thing, but I think you’re a great inspurration and role meowdel to anyone who might be considering a cat who’s diffurent.
FELIX: I just think all cats deserve a loving home — and a squiggly worm wand. MOL.
Follow Felix and his family on Instagram.