Then and Meow
Last year’s California wildfires were devastating. Of the pets who were rescued, there was one purrticular cat I coudn’t stop thinking about. Having followed his story from the beginning, I was thrilled when he reached out to me with a pawsitive update.
KATNISS: When I saw that image of you huddled in the back of a box, the dazed look on your face, the condition of your fur… I was haunted. Every day I was furrantically searching the UC Davis Vet Med Facebook page fur updates about you.
BANANA: I appurrciate that. Many of the cats who were rescued succuumbed to their injuries. There were times when they thought I wouldn’t make it, either. But I was furtunate – though at the time, it didn’t feel that way. It just felt like pain, both physical and emotional.
KATNISS: I can only imagine – all four of your paws, both your ears, the skin around your nose and eyes and your tail had severe burns. You also had heart and lung damage due to smoke inhalation.
BANANA: Yeah, but through it all, I kept thinking one thing: “Don’t count meowt.” I wasn’t about to give up. Not when there was this team of specialists working around the clock to save my life. Fur that, I was very grateful.
KATNISS: That’s also when you met the purrson who’d give you your furever home.
BANANA: Yes. At UC Davis Vet Med there was a entire team to help me, but there was one registered veterinary technician in purrticular who connected with me. She would visit me befur and after her shift to give me a treat and a pet. She made me feel special. That’s part of the reason I purrsisted.
KATNISS: A wise vet once told my Humans, “Love is strongest healing power in the world.” You hung on because you knew you were loved.
BANANA: And I knew I had love to give. I felt I was helping this Human heal, too. She knew many who lost so much in the fire – their homes, their pets… she was in pain, too.
KATNISS: What happened to your purrevious owners?
BANANA: I was a community cat. I lived in a mobile park and was well taken care of, but I didn’t have a home, purr se.
KATNISS: So even though you were purrmanently wounded from the fire – you lost toes, your paw pads fused together, part of your tail had to be amputated, fur won’t ever grow back in some areas – I look at you and see a miraculous transfurmation.
BANANA: Right? I don’t care that my nose is bald – I’m happy! There’s no lasting damage to my lungs or heart. I have treats, I have toys, I have my catnip banana and I have a new life. I’m a lucky guy. And I’m grateful for the chance to look furward.
Follow Banana on Instagram.
GREAT STORY KATNISS!!! I’m so happy to see that Banana has such a nice home and his best life! Thanks so much for the updates you’ve been providing all these months and for the happy ending today. I can stop worrying about Banana & start inagining him in his new life. 🌞🌼💘
I know, me, too! I was always thinking about him and it’s such a relief to know he’s happy and healthy and has a home.