When Cluck the kitten was rescued off the streets of Los Angeles a few weeks ago, it was discovered that she had an Imperforate Anus, or no butthole. Luckily, that wasn’t “the end” for her.
The kind Humans at Kitty Bungalow Charm School for Wayward Cats, a feral cat rescue, took her in and raised money for butthole surgery. This is her first interview since undergoing that life-saving surgery.
KATNISS: Cluck, thank you for sharing such a purrsonal story with us. Was the surgery successful?
CLUCK: Well, that remains to be seen. There is the pawsibiity of another surgery in my future… or some adorable diapers. It’s too soon to know. But overall, I feel pawsitive.
KATNISS: You’ve got a great catitude. So, how did you get the name Cluck?
CLUCK: A very smart medical intern mentioned that chickens pee, poop and lay eggs out of the same hole. That was my situation, except I couldn’t lay an egg. MOL!
KATNISS: You’re still nursing. I imagine once you started eating solid food, you would’ve have a pretty bad purroblem.
CLUCK: Oh, fur sure.
KATNISS: There’s another really important reason cats need b-holes: so they can stick them in their Human’s faces. Humans take it as a sign of affection.
CLUCK: Good to know!
KATNISS: Humans are obsessed with cat’s butts for some reason. I’m not kitten – go on Etsy and type in “cat butthole.” 1,059 items show up.

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Neko Atsume
CLUCK: I guess it’s a good thing I have one now.
KATNISS: Yeah, Humans must think they’re cute. I don’t get it, but whatev-fur. Another thing – we cats also like to sniff other cat’s butts. It’s a greeting. Or a great way to start a fight.
CLUCK: I guess what you’re saying is every kitty needs a butthole.
KATNISS: Yes – no ifs, ands or butts.
CLUCK: I’m furever grateful to the volunteers at Kitty Bungalow for helping meowt. I’m gonna go show them my gratitude by sticking my butt in their faces!

PeriwinkleNuthatch on Etsy
KATNISS: Go fur it!
Please consider contributing to Cluck’s Butthole Fund, in the event of further surgeries. Any additional funds raised will go to helping the street cats of Los Angeles.