
Jolie Alicia has painted more than 100 cats. I had the oppurrtunity to speak with her inspurration and muse, Dyoji.

Dyoji getting ready to oversee artist Jolie Alicia

KATNISS: Dyoji, your Human is very talented! Tell me about her purrocess of creating cat art.

DYOJI: She uses the iPad Pro and the Apple pencil which is a really great tool to push off the table, onto the floor and under the table.

KATNISS: You’re such a helpful assistant! Tell me meowr.

Dyogi keeps the iPad case warm.

DYOJI: Well, she uses an app called Procreate. Her style is very organic. She tends to work very quickly, scribbling a lot. She tries not to overthink because that’s not purrductive – she’d rather just go with her instincts.

KATNISS: Do you make suggestions fur which cats she should paint?


DYOJI: Fur sure! I follow a lot of cats on Instagram. I have a soft spot for special needs cats, but really any cat that is interesting to look at makes fur a good subject.


KATNISS: But aren’t all cats interesting to look at?

DYOJI: That’s why we never run out of cats to paint!


KATNISS: Of all the purrtraits she’s painted, are there any that are your favfurites?

DYOJI: I like when she paints a tribute to a cat that has crossed over the rainbow bridge. It’s very heartfelt meowmorial.

Tayto RIP @kingbobthefirst

KATNISS: Tell me about Project Caturday.

DYOJI: Every Caturday afternoon, she showcases a new drawing. And at least twice a month it’s a live stream so cat lovers can log onto Instagram and watch her paint.


KATNISS: Oh yes, I love watching her create these meowsterpieces! I tend to throw a lot of heart emojis her way.


KATNISS: Can you tell me who she might be painting next? You knows us cats – we’re very curious!

DYOJI: I can, but I think supurrises are the best. You’ll just have to stay tuned!


Follow Jolie Alicia on Instagram. You can also commission purrtraits and buy her art at Red Bubble.