Spooky has extra leggies, bonus beans and 2 pelvises. We think she’s magical.
KATNISS: Spooks, thanks fur sharing your story with me furst! So, tell me about those extra legs.
SPOOKY: Well, the expurrts believe I am a dipygus – I have a congenital deformity which is the result of a duplication of cell signals required to form back legs.
SPOOKY: Yeah, well, the vet initially thought I should be put down because of my “deformity” – he wasn’t sure I would survive.
KATNISS: And yet here you are, on the verge of becoming a social media star. So, do your extra legs work?
SPOOKY: No, they’re not functional – they’re decorative. They just kind of dangle.
KATNISS: Ooh, like accessories!
SPOOKY: MOL! I have heard them refurred to as my “secret peets.”
KATNISS: You’re 12 years old. Why are you just getting on social media now?
SPOOKY: To be purrfectly honest, my Meowmy has been nervous people might make mean comments about me.
KATNISS: Well, on the Internet, cats who are diffurent are celebrated! Weird is wonderful! Furreaky is fabulous! And you’re going to have a whole bunch of new suppurrtors who think you’re pawsome, so if someone says something mean, we’ll hiss at them.
SPOOKY: Or convert the haters with kitty love! I have SO much love to give. I even enjoy having my big belly rubbed – and it’s never a trap.
KATNISS: Impurressive! Tell me meowr about yourself.
SPOOKY: Well, I love to chit chat incessantly. I have meaningful confursations with Meowmy every day. I live with 2 sphynx cat siblings and an old blind dog. I love attacking feathers and strings and anything on a stick. And I’m always up for trying to get the elusive laser….
SPOOKY: …But my all-time favfurite thing to do is snuggle my Meowmy.
KATNISS: You sound like such a sweet beast. Welcome to social media, my furiend.
Follow Spooky on Instagram.
Another great story Katniss!
Thanks – such an interesting cat!