Sam is an energetic kitten who was rescued by Cat Man Chris Poole (Cole and Marmalade’s dad) who found her at the top of drainpipe.

KATNISS: Sam, after you were rescued you were transpurrted from Florida to Los Angeles. 

SAM: Yes, the kind purrsons at Milo’s Sanctuary in Los Angeles – whose expurrtise are dealing with special needs cats and kittens – decided to help meowt. 








KATNISS: And befur long, they found you a furever home with my good furiend Doby the House Cat.

SAM: Yes! And I’m purroud to say he’s now not just my furbrother but my good furiend as well! 


Doby and Sam










KATNISS: Fur my readers’ sake, tell me how having hydrocephalus – or water on the brain – impacts your life. 

SAM: I am furtunate that I don’t require medication or a shunt to control the purressure on my brain. I did have to have special anesthesia during my spay – which made my meowmy very nervous – but that went really well. Also, my purrents were concerned when I furst came to live with them. They would watch to make sure I didn’t fall or try anything daring. But I’m fearless and love to jump and climb!

KATNISS: Well, you are a kitten, so it’s no surrprise that you have lots of energy. 

SAM: Oh, I do! I wear out my older sibs Jet and Luna – they would rather nap than play chase. I love feathers, felt balls, and knocking pieces of kibble around the kitchen befur eating them. I always make sure to leave kibble on the floor fur the Humans to step on with their bare feet. 

KATNISS: I’m sure they apurrciate that.

SAM: I like to keep them on their toes, so to speak!

KATNISS: What’s your favorite thing to play with?

SAM: Doby! I want to play with him every hour that I’m awake. We love to chase each other, groom each other, and we look out the window and chatter at the birds, “Ek ek ek ek ek.”


SAM: I’m also down for snuggle time. Luna is my nap buddy. 

KATNISS: Aww, that’s sweet. Sounds like you’ve got a purrty great life.

SAM: I’m living purroof that rescue is so impurrtant – I’m very furtunate to have found the purrfect family. I couldn’t ask for meowr.


Follow Sam and her fursiblings on Instagram.