Meet the Newest Floof You Need to Follow.
KATNISS: Poe, you were a shelter kitty. How did you find your furever family?
POE: Well, I loved my furst family – they had a dog and a toddler fur me to play with and it was so much fun! But unfurtunately they weren’t able to keep me. I am thankful fur their love and to my new Dad fur finding me(ow) online.
KATNISS: If it’s not too purrsonal, can I ask why you’ve only got one eye?
POE: I lost a fight with my littermate when I was a baby. Kittens tend to fight at their mommy’s milk bar, so I wound up with a ruptured and necrotic eye that couldn’t be saved. But I litterally don’t even miss it.
KATNISS: There’a another cat in your household. Are you furiends?
POE: Oh, I love my big sister Poppy! She is still getting used to me – she was the only kitty for a long time. We love to chase each other around the house and hunt lasers together.
KATNISS: What a treat!
POE: Speaking of treats, I love lysine chews. Mama thinks they are stinky, but I think they’re pawsitively tasty! I also like to sneak a taste of what Dad and Mama are eating. I really want to try spaghetti – it looks so yummy!
KATNISS: You are a bit quirky. Speaking which, I noticed like to attack your Meowmy’s hair.
POE: Mama used to have a thing made out of hair on her head that she called a bun. I thought it was a monster and that I should save her. It recently disappeared and Mama’s hair is shorter, so I think I did my job.
KATNISS: You are very brave and purrtective.
POE: I am a pretty bold kitten! I attack the fuzzy dust that gathers on the lamp on the night stand and I’m not afraid of the vacuum.
KATNISS: Impurressive!
POE: Well, I have to be strong because I’m an Emotional Support Animal. Mama has really bad anxiety and panic attacks. Usually all I have to do is give her some snuggles and purr. It’s a really easy job and comes naturally for me. I love giving snuggles!
KATNISS: The best cats have “Purrfessional Snuggler” on their resume.
POE: My special skills and talents include kneading Mama’s shirt, giving loving looks, and relaxing so much from scritches that I fall over.
KATNISS: Those are all great qualities. But I’d add one meowr: neverending cuteness.
POE: Awww, thank mew. >BLUSHES<
Follow Poe on Instagram.