Copyright FOUR PAWS
Meow was living comfurtably as the resident cat of a small, riverside hotel in Hoi An, Vietnam until one night when he was caught in a trap set by cat thieves – and his life changed furever.
KATNISS: Meow, thank you for sharing your purrsonal story with us. I know it’s purrobably painful to talk about.
MEOW: What was painful was being caught in that trap. I was minding my own business going out fur a stroll when I stepped into a trap. It was a spring loaded mechanism used to catch cats by the neck, only it caught me by the leg.

Copyright FOUR PAWS
KATNISS: You must’ve feared fur your life!
MEOW: I did. I know what happens to cats who are caught by thieves – they are stuffed in sacks or cages, thrown on the back of a motorbike, then trafficked to slaughterhouses and restaurants fur food.
KATNISS: Oh Meow God, I’m so glad you escaped.

Copyright FOUR PAWS
MEOW: Supurrisingly, it wasn’t the furst time – I’m embarrassed to say I fell fur the old “fish in a bucket lure” purreviously. I must have 9 lives to have been given not just a second, but a third chance. This time when I managed to get away, I had unfurtunately damaged my leg quite badly.
KATNISS: I can only imagine how much you were suf-furing.
MEOW: Yeah, I was in bad shape. But the hotel owner found me and helped meowt. He got me to the Cats Matter Too Program, which is opurrated by FOUR PAWS in Central Vietnam, in conjunction with local purrtner Vietnam Cat Welfare. They gave me antibiotics and helped me with my wounds. I’m one of the lucky ones. There are so many cats in Asia fur whom this is a real threat.

KATNISS: I know – my furiend Henry was rescued from the Korean meat trade by Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation. Like you, he is purroof that cats who survive such horrors can have a happily ever after. I’m so glad Henry, and now you, are in homes where you are safe.
MEOW: Yes, but sadly, in Vietnam, pets are often stolen from their own homes. So I’ve made it my purrpose to let others know what’s going on and how they can help make a diffurence through organizations like Four Paws.

Meow with Dr. Katherine Polak, Copyright FOUR PAWS
KATNISS: I furst heard about Four Paws and the wonderful vet Katherine Polak from my furiend Smush, who often uses her platfurm fur good with her non-purrofit, The Smush Foundation.

Smush shows suppurt
MEOW: Yes, Smush is always fighting the good fight! And your readers can too by signing Four Paws’ petition to call for an end to this cruel meat trade. You can also follow Four Paws USA, Four Paws International, Four Paws UK and/or Four Paws Australia. They purrvide lots of infurmation and links to donate.
KATNISS: I can see Four Paws does good work just by looking at you.

Copyright FOUR PAWS
MEOW: Yes – after purrviding care fur me, Four Paws spoke with the hotel staff about the dangers of having me return to their purremises. That’s when one of the hotel receptionists of-fured to give me a loving home because she couldn’t bear the thought of not seeing me anymeowr. So now I’m livin’ the life with two fursiblings and I’m spoiled all day with treats, cuddles, and a soft bed. We also have our very own screened in catio where I can lounge in the sun and enjoy some fresh air! I’ll never furget what I went through, but knowing there are people out who are working tirelessly to purrtect animals helps me sleep better at night.
KATNISS: Thank you fur sharing your story and being an advo-cat for change.
MEOW: Thank you fur spreading the word — together we can make a diffurence.
For more information, please visit Four Paws or follow them on Instagram. You can also follow Dr. Katherine Polak on Instagram.