She’s got silly markings and an even sillier purrsonality. Meet Instagram’s quirkiest new cat.
KATNISS: Mau Mau, I read that you were found at a biscuit factory. Did they teach you how to “make biscuits” there?
MAU MAU: That was the rescue story my human was furst told, but actually, I was living in a pet food factory. Sadly, I never learned how to make biscuits and the pet food factory workers never even fed me!
KATNISS: That’s just wrong. But on a pawsitive note, you were rescued.
MAU MAU: And not a meowment too soon – a pest controller at the factory was going to shoot me when a rescuer from Feline Cat Care Rescue took me in! And because they were able to transfurm me from a feral into the big softie I am today, I was able to get a furever home!
KATNISS: And what a home it is! You’ve got everything you need, including lots of soft blankets and cushions… which appurently you like to lick.
MAU MAU: Yes! I love licking everything! I also like to groom my human’s hair and sometimes I even lick the coffee table legs!
KATNISS: That’s very odd… but amewsing.
MAU MAU: I have lots of odd traits. The most appurrent one is that I never close my eyes. The vet said I’m purrfectly normal… just weird.
KATNISS: Furreaky! What else makes you diffurent?
MAU MAU: I often forget to put my tongue back in my mouth.
KATNISS: Oh, the humans love a good blep! No wonder you’re so pawpular.
MAU MAU: I also enjoy standing up on my hind legs like a meerkat.
KATNISS: Your human works from home. How is she able to get anything done with you around blepping and sleeping with your eyes open and standing like a meerkat?
MAU MAU: I have to purrompt her to work hard – so she can earn money for all my favfurite treats and toys. I’m her supurrvisor and all her colleagues love it when I join the zoom calls!
KATNISS: Make sure to stick your butt in front of the camera – always a big hit with the humans.
MAU MAU: Fur sure! Oh, one other thing – I also like raw broccoli.
KATNISS: Okay, that’s litter-ally the weirdest thing ever. But that’s what makes you mewnique, so cool.
Follow Mau Mau on Instagram.