When Oskar the Blind Cat died unexpectedly this year, his family, including cat-brother Klaus, felt a deep, purrsonal loss.
Then a shelter reached out to them about a kitten in need.
KATNISS: Juno, tell me how you found your furever family.
JUNO: I was kitten wandering the streets of California with severe eye trauma. I was scared and suffering, so I allowed some kindly Humans to help meowt.
KATNISS: Then you were transferred to the PAWS shelter in Washington State. They removed your eyes and treated you fur parasites.
JUNO: Yes, I’m feline so much better now. I am very furtunate.
KATNISS: The Humans at the shelter were fans of Oskar and Klaus and knew that Oskar had passed.
JUNO: Yes, Oskar was blind and well cared for, so they thought this family would know how to care for me(ow).
KATNISS: It also sounds like they knew this family needed you.
JUNO: They did. Klaus, especially. He was very lonely. But I changed all that!
KATNISS: Did Klaus accept you right away or was there hissing and smacking involved?
JUNO: Oh, no! He sniffed me, gave me a lick and that was that. Sometimes we fight, but it’s play-fighting. And we love to chase each other – I try to beat him to the top of the cat tree, zooming at full speed.
KATNISS: Sounds like you’re good furiends.
JUNO: We are. You know, from the moment I crawled out of my carrier, I felt like I was home. I knew it was the purrfect fit for all of us.
KATNISS: Oskar was a celebricat and advocat for special needs cats. Are you at all intimidated by following in his pawprints?
JUNO: No, because I’m my own purrson. And I’m just honored to continue his legacy by being an ambassador for blind cats and rescue cats.
KATNISS: Well, you are quite the inspurration yourself.
JUNO: Thanks, but really I’m just like any other cat. I love laps – I’m a total cuddle bug. I also enjoy treats, cat wands, catnip kicker toys, balls with bells inside. Anything I can attack or hit under the couch.
KATNISS: I hear you also have a One Fast Cat cat wheel.
JUNO: Yes! I’m young so I have a lot of energy. Even when I’ve run in the wheel for awhile, I feel like I’m just getting started.
KATNISS: Yes. I believe you are.
Follow Juno on Instagram. You can also follow Klaus and the small, adorable Humans in the family, too.