Flour was rescued from a kill shelter in North Carolina. His special face markings are caused by vitiligo, a rare condition that causes depigmentation of the fur.
KATNISS: When I furst saw your photo, I litter-ally thought you had flour all over your face.
FLOUR: Yeah, that’s just my fureaky fur. MOL! I like looking diffurent.
KATNISS: You look like you were “making biscuits” fur real and used too much flour. You also have another unmewsual feature – your voice.
FLOUR: Yeah, I’ve been told I have a “smoker’s voice.” Which I use to demand bites of my Humom’s food when she’s eating or when she’s cooking meat.
KATNISS: Hey, it’s always good to commewnicate one’s needs. I’m sure she appurrciates it! And I bet she enjoys staying home with you right now.
FLOUR: Actually, she’s a nurse, so she is needed meowr than ever. She works nights, leaves me in charge, then comes home to sleep and snuggle with all of us.
KATNISS: Tell me about your six fursiblings.
FLOUR: We’re all rescues. I’m closest with Bebe —
KATNISS: — I also have a fursibling named Bebe! I like to lick her fur and then bite her.
FLOUR: As you should! And have a sister named Twinkie, who is a polydactyl, then there’s Chirp, the old man of the group, Star is a Red Point Siamese who was tossed from a truck. And then there’s Connie and Alien, shelter pulls my Meowmy brought home.
KATNISS: Wow, that’s a purrty big family.
FLOUR: We also have an African gray parrot, several horses, three farm dogs and three pot belly pigs.
KATNISS: That’s supurr cool. Sounds like you’ve got a great family.
FLOUR: I do! But I have especially strong felines fur my Humom. Along with the other cats, we are her “rock.” She’s had some tough losses in her life, so we are there to help give her life purrpose, snuggle her and serenade her.
KATNISS: With your “smoker’s voice?”
FLOUR: Mew know it!
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